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Centre For Internal Quality Assurance (CIQA)

To ensure quality of Programs being offered in Online mode, Parul University has established Centre for Internal Quality Assurance (CIQA) to oversee institutional compliances and conducting quality audits for online programs. This initiative aims to uphold the highest standards of quality and promote excellence in educational offerings.

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1. To prepare the “Program Project Report” (PPR) for each program offered at CDOE as per the norms and guidelines prescribed by UGC and/or by appropriate authorities having control over the program.

2. To seek the approval of PPR from an appropriate authority of the university and commission before the launch of the program.

3. To supervise the development of e-content prepared for learners.

4. To ensure proper implementation of the Program Project Reports.

5. To prepare annual plans for quality level enhancement and ensure their implementation.

6. To ensure appropriate feedback mechanism from students, employers and other stakeholders for quality-related institutional processes.

7. To ensure proper conduction of curricular and co-curricular activities like workshops, seminars, FDPs, SDPs, Online Competition etc.

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To ensure delivering service to OL learners as a top priority and ensure the functioning of all activities limited under the aegis of the Center for Internal Quality Assurance and prepare reports on the effectiveness of quality assurance systems and processes.

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To adopt the instructional design requirements as per the philosophy of online learning decided by the statutory bodies of the university for its academic program.

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To regularly revisit the OL system and update the same to ensure dynamic OL activities.

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To ensure quality maintenance in all key areas of OL operations.

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To disseminate all quality assurance efforts publicly among all concerned stakeholders

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To ensure an effective feedback system.

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To act as a nodal body to coordinate inter-functionality among all departments.

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To provide interactive platforms to encourage the exchange of views, ideas, and innovative practices among all stakeholders in OL.

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To ensure the quality of delivery tools from the preparation of the Program Project Report for each programme to the evaluation of examination scripts.

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To promote automation of learner support services in constituent colleges in the university.

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To coordinate with internal/third-party auditing bodies for quality audits of the programme (s).

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To facilitate industry – institution linkage for providing exposure to the learners and enhancing their employability.

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To maintain accurate records of all OL activities, generate various types of reports and furnish the same to the authorities in the university as and when required.

CIQA Committee

Category Name and Designation Position
Vice Chancellor Dr. Amit Ganatra, Vice Chancellor Chairperson
Senior teachers of Higher Education Institution Dr. Priya Swaminarayan, Dean, Faculty of Computer Applications Member
Dr. Ajay Trivedi, Dean, Faculty of Commerce Member
Dr. Hetal Thakar, Deputy Director, Centre for Distance and Online Education Member
Dr. Bijal Zaveri, Dean, Faculty of Management Studies Member
Dr. Falguni Acharya, Director, IQAC Member
Head of three Departments or School of Studies offering recognized programmes in Open and Distance Learning and Online mode Dr. Ashish Bhatt, Program Head, Management Programs – Online Mode Member
Dr. Pratik Patel, Program Head, Computer Applications Programs – Online Mode Member
Dr. Mihir Dave, Program Head, Liberal Arts Programs – Online Mode Member
Two external experts in Open and Distance Learning and/or Online Education Dr. Parimala Veluvali, Director and Associate Professor, Symbiosis School for Online and Digital Learning, Symbiosis International (Deemed University) Member
Dr. G Mallikarjuna, Director of Online Education, Manipal University Member
Officials from the Administration and Finance Departments of the Higher Educational Institution Prof. Manish Pandya, Registrar Member
Dr. Divyang Joshi, Chief Finance & Accounts Officer Member
Director - Centre for Internal Quality Assurance Dr. Kunjal Sinha, Director, CIQA Member Secretary
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